Health, Wholeness & Happiness:
The Drive of Life & Embodying Our Human Potential
We worry so much about life and how to enjoy or lengthen it, but have we taken the time to understand or explore what it means? How it involves or engages our humanity - more than a collective, as our very own person and the individual that we are - realizing our potential?
This talk dives into that - an examination of Life and its drives... How it moves us as people, as humans, and how our own, personal intents and desires are key to our very own experience, expression and enjoyment of THIS LIFE as OUR VERY OWN BEING - expressing, experiencing and enjoying ITSELF AS OURSELF now.
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If you enjoyed this talk and want to go deeper and embark on your own journey towards health, wholeness and happiness and embody your human potential today, you may check out ALIGN.