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Detoxify: Your Physical & Metaphysical Cleanse  Regimen

Just as proper assimilation and circulation is key for vitality, proper elimination and the graceful exit of toxic materials from our system is vital for our well-being.  Most stresses in our mind and body (like irritability, lethargy, anxiety or depression), may be due to congestion or toxins circulating in our system, causing disruption of our natural energy flow or processes.  The discomfort we feel is our body's signal of its distress, like an S.O.S.  Unchecked, over time, this may lead to ailments or dis-ease, signaling the body's need to recover and return to its original state of ease.  Releasing the old to make space for the new is vital so we experience and enjoy states of ease and grace - our mind and body supported and cleared for its ecstatic relating, as we move forward. This series assists in helping enhance greater awareness of and appreciation for this beautiful dynamic within our system that inspires homeostasis, promoting our well-being and fortifying our health, inside and out.


DETOXIFY is a fun presentation illuminating the various physical and metaphysical techniques you may undertake at any point in your life (ideal for spring-cleaning once a year!) to help clear both mind and body from things that no longer serve them so they may make space for the new that do.


Combined with your VITALIZE practice, DETOXIFY fortifies your well-being, assisting the brain, nerves and body to do their work, allowing for greater heart and gut health resonance that helps you feel clearer, more connected, centered, aligned, at ease, peaceful and graceful, as you get strong and confident.  With this clarity you liberate a lot of energy that normally gets exhausted by digestion and proper elimination, now able to direct your powers easily and joyously, towards the fulfillment of your goals and various desires and purposes in life, and the realization of your human potential. 


Enthusiasm is a good sign that our system is operating in ease, and that our vital functions are running at their optimum.  When we are able to relate to ourselves and others in greater clarity and harmony, we are on our road towards realizing our human potential in joy!


This series may be taken on its own, independent of the other programs in our 12-step approach, for those simply looking to optimize their well-being and jumpstart their mind and body health states, through proper elimination.


N.B. Because each person has a unique blueprint, health state, medical history and propensity (relative to his / her gender, current age, fitness level, and occupation), that may affect his / her experience and enjoyment of this series, it is essential and will be required that the student has the permission, medical clearance and guidance of his / her family physician prior to  beginning of and throughout his / her engagement of this series.  The experience of an 18-year old student will be unique compared to the experience of a 45-year old business professional, for example, simply because their health states and energy requirements are different, and so needs to be considered carefully in the engagement of the series.  Although the principles presented are universal, application will be grounded, personal and unique around each individual's current age, health condition and requirements, for safety and best results.  Holding hands with your family physician or health care expert prior to and throughout the duration of your regimen will be key, for your successful engagement.


For those who wish to undertake the complete, mind and body, 12-step approach towards their health, wholeness and happiness, and the realization of their human potential today, VITALIZE and ALIGN are pre-requisites.   

Blackberry and Lemon Detox


60 to 90mins. PowerPoint presentation


  • We learn about the various ways we can support our elimination system in the exit of toxins that helps clear physical and energy pathways for greater ease in mind and body that helps curb ailments or dis-ease, delay aging, and inspires greater strength and beauty to our being.

  • The techniques presented set you off on your own cleanse and detox journey, with recommended timelines and duration for each practice, so you liberate yourself to clarity, harmony and joy. 

  • Regardless of your fitness level or experience of wellness, we recommend a guided approach where you consult, hold hands with and get medical clearance from your family physician as you engage the techniques in this series, for your safety and support.

  • The result is increased feelings of well-being, ease of mind, heart and body; peace, clarity, love, grace, and appreciation and love for our being. Physically and mentally, you enjoy greater states of vitality, beauty, clarity and pure energy you may direct for and around any intended goal, with greater enthusiasm, positivity and zest.

Rainbow and Waterfall


60 to 90mins. PowerPoint presentation


  • We learn about the metaphysics of liberation from things that may weigh us down emotionally or mentally.

  • This series is best for people going through major life transitions, i.e. changing of jobs, relationship break-ups, etc., where memories or negative emotions can get in the way of forward movement.

  • There are ways to release and eliminate stale or stagnant energies from our system and they will be discussed in this series to assist you towards the experience and enjoyment of greater joy, vitality, confidence, perfect expression, abundance and love.

  • The techniques presented set you off on your own cleanse and detox journey, with recommended timelines and duration for each practice, so you liberate yourself to clarity, harmony and joy.

  • Regardless of your spiritual practice or religious beliefs, these techniques complement and support your perfect expression and wonderful unfolding! 

  • The result is increased feelings of well-being, ease of mind, heart and body, peace, clarity, love, grace, and liberated states of confidence, joy, energy and power you may enjoy and direct for and around your intended goals and aspirations in life with greater enthusiasm, positivity and zest.

Study Group on the Grass


60mins. discussion about the programs


  • Students have a chance to discuss and inquire into the techniques presented in the series, for added clarity, inspiration and guidance.

What you will need for your regimen...

  • Dedicated 60 minutes a week for your sessions taken live with me via Zoom (1 session per week) x 2 weeks, set on your best day and hour of the week. For proper assimilation and sacred honoring, it is best to set the sessions the same time and day per week. 

  • Your sacred space so you may take the sessions undisturbed, with your notebook, paper and pen, for your notes. 

  • Your own Zoom from your phone or laptop.

  • Medical clearance, permission and guidance from your family physician or health care expert, prior to beginning and throughout the duration of your engagement of the techniques presented, for safety and best results.

Your energy exchange and inclusions of this series...

  • DETOXIFY may be taken on its own, independent of the other programs in our 12-step approach, for those simply looking to optimize their well-being and vitality through proper elimination.

  • Should you wish to take DETOXIFY now, you may proceed to PLANS & PRICING for your enrollment and inclusions.  

  • Should you wish to undertake the complete, mind and body, 12-step approach towards your health, wholeness and happiness, and the embodiment of your human potential today, you may proceed to VITALIZE and ALIGN.

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